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Haven Lee
10 Sep 2010
Yorkshire, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,5 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical description: a smaller girl with tan skin and blonde hair with frosty blue dyed tips. Her eyes are green and she has gloves without fingertips on her hands. She has an enormous blue hoodie that she likes to wear often… but overtime it’s gotten quite dirty. Dust is all over it and there are mud stains on it. But she doesn’t care in the slightest

Mental Description: Haven is a girl that is brave and often stands up for herself and others. But she tends to forget to take care of herself as she if others this causes thing like anxiety and depression. She is selfless and acts
as if everyone is better than her. She likes to know everything and how everyone is feeling to make sure that they are okay. She is very egotistical when you mention her wand. She is very proud but loves a challenge or fear she can beat. She has a strong hate towards toxic people who are no good in any way whatsoever… unless it’s for a good cause.

Biography: Haven lived a normal life with her father being a wizard and her mother being a muggle.
After charming people out of her money she finally got a calico cat with blue eyes she named Nickie who is at her home during her years of being in Hogwarts. She always says goodbye to her cat before leaving home, however.

First instance of magic: Haven was mad when her mother was talking and interrupting her. So much so that she ended up accidentally setting her mothers hat on fire. Her mother was, obviously terrified of her hats setting on fire again afterwards.