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Natalie Schwartz
12 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
22,7 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:
Natalie is a young female possesing incredibly pale skin,appearing to be sick all the time altough she isn't. Her skin tone may only go to a tendance of pink at the extremities,meaning her fingers,knees,and even toes. She is one of the sun kissed beauties,how I like to call them,being covered in freckles from here to there. Medium-lenghted ginger hair cover up the girl's body down to her shoulders,her liking to keep it just as it is,without wasting time on a complicated hairstyle. As for talking about eyes,well,Natalie's eyes manage to have a beautiful color,a deep chocolate brown that,even if it doesn't well acord with the color contrast caused by the ginger hair,she likes. Almond shape as for eyes,buton shape as for nose,and a pair of thin,light pink lips show at the 'end' of her face. The young witch is not too tall nor too short,her height does not difference her from any others. The weight,however,is pretty under the average. Not as much of a thing to consider it an ailment,tho.

Mental Description: Well,Natalie is first of all a honest kind of a person,not liking to lie,but to simply tell a person in the face what she thinks,no matter how hard to swallow it may be. Second of all,calm. Not panicking over the littlest things,nor overacting. The redhead is also an intelligent,ambitious being,following her mind which never lead her into a bad direction. But everyone has their flaws,right?She is bad at socializing,finding it a bit hard to make friends,talking about this subject like it wouldn't be so important. Even if she may not recognize,however,there is a part of her that desires of acquainting new people,out of social and academical purposes.

Biography: Natalie's father is German as origin,he fiinishing the studies at the Beauxbatons magic school. Moving into England,the reason actually to apply for a healer job at St. Mungo's s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries,he met Natalie's mother,a Hogwarts attendant who refers to herself as Miss Aubergine (even nowadays,married),eventually forming a family togheter. Natalie is a single child,having no brothers,sisters or siblings,so on earning her parents' attention during her entire childhood. Growing up as a pureblood taught to believe in the hyerarchy of the blood statuses,she quickly learned the M word,but surprisingly didn't use it. She decided not to pay attention to the muggle born people,they were also wizards and witches since they ended up in Hogwarts. The brown eyed was told from a young age that she will recieve the letter to Hogwarts,so it won't be a surprise to the ginger. The parents thought that Muggle education in a collective is not necesarily required,so the girl learned to read,spell,calculate,draw and basically was schooled in home,learning both English and German as primar languages (adding this because she may sometimes use words in German. They WILL be translated into English). She did go outside,she did play with the other children,but she wasn't totally enjoying it,unaware why.
Recieving the letter,she started to imagined how will it be to finally practice magic,and even how will it be to learn along with thousands of kids. She didn't show much enthusiam,though.

First Instance of Magic: There was a warm summer afternoon,in which the orange haired was riding the swings in the playground,along with other children. Some of the others would throw rocks up in the air randomly,in hope to 'hit the sky'. One of them aimed badly and,landing,the stone object would have hit Natalie in the head is she..wouldn't have made it levitate,by pure accident. The kids did not react,believing it was some spider nest on the swing chains that held the small rock in the air. Of course the present people already knew what happened, but she was only eight years old. Not a voluntary act of magic, not something done on purpose.