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Lilian Lee
31 Oct 2010
Nottingham, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
32,6 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Lilian is rather small for her age - 137cm or 4,5 ft. - and a little underweight - 31,5kg or 70lb. She has long light blond hair which in little curves goes down to her waist. She usually either wears it in a ponytail or in braids. Her eyes have a bright blue-ish, gray-ish colour, depending on the light. Both her hair, as well as her eyes emphasize the paleness of her skin.

Mental Description: Lilian is shy around other people and at times begins to stutter when feeling nervous. She loves roaming around outside on her own, possibly cuddling with a bunch of cute animals. Lilian gets scared easily and tries to avoid any kind of confrontation. However, if she deems necessary - i.e. if someone tries to harm a defenseless person, animal or creature - she has no trouble stepping forward. She loves rain and wind as well as the cold and dark. She is quite artsy and likes drawing and building things.

Biography: Lilian was born in Germany, where she lived with both her parents. She was 7 years old, when her father left the family to marry another woman. Up until that point, Lilian had always looked up to her father, they were quite close, so the seperation was quite difficult for the girl. On top of that, her mother decided to move to England for her career and Lilian had to come with.
Losing not only her father, but also her friends and her home took a toll on Lilian. She started distancing herself from her mother, despite knowing, that it wasn't her fault. Lilian became quieter and kept away from other people. In her new class, she stayed the "new kid" and because of her shyness and the language barrier she had trouble finding new friends. With her mother working a lot and being pretty much an outcast at school, Lilian stayed at home a lot, missing the German countryside she grew up in.
At the age of 9, Lilian ran away once because her mother started seeing a new man. She ended up outside the city roaming around fields at night. The police picked her up and returned her home. After that, Lilian and her mother had a long talk that made them grow closer again and after quite some time she even began accepting her mothers boyfriend.

First Instance of Magic: After moving to England, Lilian and her mother grew distant and Lilian kept missing her father. When Lilian was 9 years old, her mother went on a cuple of dates, eventually bringing the man home to introduce him to Lilian. That resulted in a major fight between Lilian and her mother, in with Lilian ran to her room. When her mother tried to folow her, the door slammed in her face, despite Lilian being on the other side of the room. Ater that, Lilian ran to her window and, trying to climb out, fell down weirdly slowly without hurting herself.
Lilian never thought about those things as being weird. "Maybe the wind from the open window slammed the door?" "I must have been in shock after falling. That's why it felt so strange." Those explanations were enought for her and eventually she forgot the incident.