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Wesley Richards
Wizard born
06 Nov 2010
Liverpool, England
Second year, Gryffindor
22,3 cm walnut wood and jackalope antler
Appearance: Wesley stands at a fairly skinny 4"7 (139.7 cm) with black hair and light green eyes; his hair is usually kept neatly combed off of his forehead, but has a tendency to hang into his eyes when left unattended. He is quite pale.

Personality: Wesley is quiet and formal with strangers but a bold jokester when amongst friends and often uses himself as the crux of his jokes. He is able to find something funny in almost anything, and has a generally humorous outlook on life. Wesley is not easy to annoy, and does not usually show it when he is, as he values politeness. However, when he does get mad, his temper is fierce. He is quite fond of books, and spends a lot of his free time reading.

Biography: Wesley Garrett Richards was born on November 6, 2010 to Thomas and Jane Richards. He was named for his mother's father, Wesley Kingston. He has grown up alongside his older brother, Matthew, and his little sister, Emily. For much of Wesley's life, Matthew was at Hogwarts or, when home for the holidays, buried in books, trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible. As a result, Wesley and Emily did nearly everything together, with few friends outside of their family. Wesley has always been closer to his mother than his father; Thomas is an Auror and seldom home.

First Instance of Magic: Wesley and his little sister Emily were playing in the kitchen one evening. Their mother had left the room briefly to call their older brother Matthew down for supper, and their father had not yet come home from work. Emily managed to climb into a chair and seize a plate from the table, setting it atop her head and proclaiming it her “crown”. As she descended, the plate slid from her head and plummeted to the floor, shattering on impact.

Emily let out a small scream and fled from the room. Wesley, terrified of being scolded, began to gather up the fragments in an attempt to hide the evidence. He heard his mother’s fast approaching footsteps coming from the neighboring room. He flew into a panic, gathering up the pieces as fast as he could. However, the pieces began to fly from his hands and group together again, reforming the plate. When Wesley’s mother arrived, she found her son standing in the middle of the kitchen holding a half reformed plate in his hand, the last shattered fragments still flying back together.