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Pearl Plate
02 Mar 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
24,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
pearl is a tall full blood with blond hair shoulder blade length hair and blue eyes. Pearl is very kind person to those she likes and not as kind to those she doesn't like. Pearl has nothing unhealthy about her. Pearl's family is a pure blood of wizards and witches. Pearl was at pearl and her family live in London and goes to the Diagon alley. Pearl's mother teaches pearl how to do basic quuitich. Pearl loves the sound of Hogwarts she's learned about it and has been waiting for so long. She has also been practicing to send letters with owls. Pearl is a person that everyone likes and has a sharp eye for things like seeing things that shouldn't be there and helps here family and the wizarding world stay safe. Pearl loves going to the diagon alley.Pearl loves potions and is very exited to learn them. Pearl is very helpful at home and cleans the house with her mother. Pearl loves magic and her first incident was when she was going up the stairs and sneezed and the window shattered. Pearl was staring at the window. Pearls brother bolted out of the chair and yelled mom pearl just snezzed and shattered a window he said she did? said pearls father I didn't mean to father forgive me pearl said. pearls father laughed your magical incident finally happened.