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Timothy Newell
10 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: They have dark brown hair and glasses. they have bright blue eyes and pale skin. they have a few small freckles. they are 4' 5".

Mental Description: They are very brave but they are stranger than most people. they have terrible manners and often offend people without realizing it. they love to read books by muggle authors. his biggest fears is being alone. he hates writing big long paragraphs which is strange because he is in the middle of writing a book. he loves learning about medieval Europe.

Biography: he used to live in the USA but he moved to London when he was 7 years old. He used to practice archery at his house before he moved. at first he was upset about leaving his american friends but soon realized he would make new friends. he sent letters to his old friends. before he moved his parents worked at a book store which caused his love for muggle books.

First Instance of Magic: He made a book fly and hit the bully in 4th grade. The bully was bullying a kid so Timothy got a book and threw it at the bully. he missed but then the book turned around an continuously hit the bully. he was surprised and confused when the book flew but he just ran so the bully would not beat him up.