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Ramona Barlowe
04 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,6 cm acacia wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A short girl, only 4' 4". She's pretty light, only weighing 62 lbs., which spawned the game of "Who Can Carry Ramona the Longest" at her school. She has brown hair that flows down to her upper back, and brown eyes to match. Some freckles dot across her face.

Mental Description: Despite her doe eyed demeanor, Ramona is typically the class clown, that rebellious kid in the corner cracking jokes and making witty remarks. She's a smart kid, but she puts most of her energy into being funny (sometimes missing the mark). She has a short temper, mainly triggered by the mentioning of her height. In front of adults, however, she acts quite the opposite. Unless she's in trouble, that is.

Biography: Ramona was born to Oliver Barlowe and Madison Barlowe on November 4th, 2010, in London. She always loved the snow and, whenever possible, would beg her mom to go outside and play. She also loved comedies and would frequently quote them with her friends. Her parents would always laugh every time she acted out scenes from their favorite movies. After her First Instance of Magic, she nearly forgot about it entirely until her letter from Hogwarts arrived.

First Instance of Magic: One cold winter day in 3rd grade, she was talking with her friends, laughing and giggling and making jokes. In walked one of the older boys, who made fun of her short stature. Soon enough, a fight began between the two. Not a fist fight, but a roast battle (typical of elementary schoolers). After one particularly nasty jab at her she felt her face get red with fiery anger. However. he was the one on fire. His coat managed to catch fire, instigated by her anger. Ramona was so shocked that she ran to the school fence, hopped it, and ran home. She was suspended by the school for "bringing a lighter to school", but after that day, Ramona knew there was something special about her.