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Fiver Anderson
Wizard born
28 Mar 2011
Brighton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,1 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Fiver's hair is thin and colored a warm wheat blonde, with some pale platinum strands that are barely noticeable. He's a little taller than the average 11-year-old, with green eyes and tan skin. He is devastatingly normal-looking.

Fiver is a peacemaker and generally on the kinder side. He finds it hard to keep friends but enjoys the company of other people. He is very protective of his family and values personal space. Although his humor of choice is sarcasm, he finds it hard to be on the receiving end of it, and jokes tend to go over his head. Fiver's favourite pastimes include watercolour painting and tending to his personal herb garden, where he grows some of his preferred tastes.

He is the second youngest of six. His family consists of his mother, father, and his older siblings Thomas, Annabelle, Samantha, and Ford, as well as his youngest sister, Sixer. The house is often very active and loud, especially with family and friends visiting frequently. Although Thomas and Samantha still live at home, Annabelle moved to Wales and Ford is abroad. Fiver is the last of his family to attend Hogwarts, as Sixer is a squib.

When Fiver was 4 years old, two of his elder siblings decided to play a game of wizard chess. Fiver was insistent that he could play against one of them, but after being refused, he became distressed, and within a moment, a wooden knight was splintered into pieces around the room.