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Elysia Stonelife
24 Jun 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Dark brown hair, greenish-brown eyes (hazel eyes). Usually found without makeup, although she does wear makeup sometimes.

Mental Description: Typically not very social, although can become friends with people after a while. Fears: Spiders, Small Spaces. She does not respond very enthusiastically or really have much interaction with students and/or other students.

Biography: Mother: Alice Stonelife. Father: Oliver Stonelife. Siblings: Kayla Stonelife. Home life: Average, not very special. Both of her parents had magic, her sister did too. Her father died soon after she was born, which left absolutely no impact on Elysia. Before going to Hogwarts, she went to a private school close to her house until she turned eleven and she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: Elysia went outside, and sat down on the grass in her backyard. She really had no choice, since her family members were preparing for her birthday, and her sister was helping. She began to play with the grass, making tiny knots in the tiny little pieces she pulled out from the ground. Finally, she managed to make a bracelet. (A small bracelet, but still a bracelet.). While making this she had become frustrated, and accidentally made some flowers to suddenly act like they hadn't been water in a week. "Oops." Elysia thought, looking at the flowers.