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Olive Jones
Wizard born
21 Aug 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Slytherin
28,4 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:

Her brown hair frames her fair skin face and highlights her eyes as if they were a pair of black pearls. But if you look closely, you'd realize they are actually a very dark shade of brown. One could easily get lost staring at them trying to figure out if they are threatening or just purely beautiful. Her somewhat round face with prominent cheeks and doll like features smoothes it all out making her expression more childlike. For now. Maybe when she grows up those traits will fade and give way to something else that is yet to be discovered. Meanwhile, all one can do is wonder what lies inside those dark beautiful eyes and what, with time, will unfold.

Mental Description:

She was quite shy until she was 8 but then started getting more bold, fierce in a way. Deep inside she is a little princess, sweet and compassionate. At the age of 11 she already seems to have a strong artistic vein, a gift for music and arts in general. Maybe it's that or maybe it's her beauty, but there's definitely something about her that cause people to feel drawn to her. Some react in jealousy and hatred, which may be where her survival skills come from. She is a fighter, a survivor. She can read people like few can but she doesn't know it yet. She doesn't know herself and doesn't understand why she gets picked on. She doesn't know she is pretty and mostly keep it to herself tending to befriend the outcasts only. She thinks she is an outcast herself. Maybe she is. There's so much she still doesn't understand. Time will tell.


Wizard born, her parents don't belong among the richest or famous but they do have some influence in their own circles. A life of appearances though. She grew up feeling like something was just not right, not what they seemed on the surface... Her oldest brother and her were never too close and her youngest brother was born around the time her oldest sibling left to go study at Hogwarts. She has always been very protective or her little brother and gives him all the love she has and that is probably all the love you will find in the house of the Jones' - a cold place where nothing is really what it looks like, warm on the outside and frozen within.

Olive's father is a mysterious figure. Gone most of the time for work. Her mom seems like an ordinary witch who has a great gift with plants in general. She spends most of her time in her small green house and complains about the lack of space for more plants.

Olive's mom never allowed her to spend too much time playing outside the house so she made the best she could with the time she was given. She craved being with friends but was happy to be able to have some to play with outside the house when allowed. She was particularly happy when her mom would forget she was out playing. Those were the best afternoons! Except when the bullies showed up... There was no one to come to her rescue, no one to complain to. Since her dad was mostly out traveling for work and her oldest brother was not exactly her friend, her mom was the only one to ask for help but she never took Olive's side in anything. Olive knew that if she told her mom she was in any knid of trouble when she was out of the house that would mean she wouldn't be allowed to play outside anymore. But the bullies weren't around too often. Neither was she out that much to be found by a bully anyway. Her mom also didn't like her to have friends over so she played by herself most of the time and with her baby brother after he was born. Life in general was...lonely.

First Instance of Magic:

Something felt different when Olive woke up on that warm summer morning. She felt...angry, snappy. Her oldest brother was making fun of her in front of other kids and it was just the worst day for that girl who always bullied her to show up. But she did. Maybe the girl felt bolder that day, maybe she saw an opportunity to get to Olive in an even worse way than usual. Maybe she saw how vulnerable Olive was in that moment since it was her own brother who was doing it this time and it was just too good of an opportunity to pass. So she joined in the humiliation game. And it was just... Too much. Something inside Olive came alive, broke out. She felt her eyes hot, then her entire body. It's not like she blacked out or anything like that. Well, maybe... It was more like...blinking... And all Olive saw was the girl crashing against a tree a few feet from her. Before Olive could even make sense of what had happened, she heard her mom call her to come inside. So she did. She felt horrible. She had never hurt anybody and she had no idea what had just happened. She couldn't tell her mom and she was lucky her brother didn't mentioned it either. She knew about magic but she had never actually thought too much about it, let alone had pictured herself doing anything powerful in any way.

The next day, she was scared the girl would bring her older sister (and friends) as she always threatened to do and get revenge. She also wanted to apologize really bad because that was not who she was or wanted to be. She was so worried she had injured her badly, not just because of parents getting involved but because she thought that was the kind of thing only bad people would do. And she wasn't a bad person.. Neither she wanted to become one... She was afraid that was exactly what was happening so all she wanted to do was to fix things. But when she got face to face with the bully she noticed the bully was...tamed... For the first time she saw in her eyes respect instead of despise. And it felt good. It was nice to be respected. It was even nicer to feel powerful. It! The bully had changed and so had she. There was no going back.