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Reynard Vauquelin
21 Dec 2010
Portsmouth, England
Second year, Slytherin
33,5 cm applewood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
At 4'11'', Reynard is on the taller side for his age group. His fair complexion is touched by a shade of tan, which, coupled with his athletic frame, suggests he engages in regular physical activity. His has lips, hazel eyes, and light brown hair

Open display of emotions was frowned upon in the Vauquelin household, and Reynard internalized those lessons all too well. The young boy displays few facial expressions other than an occasional quirking of his eyebrow, or a twist of his mouth.

Mental Description:
Reynard is reserved and thoughtful to a fault, naturally preferring to carefully consider the best course of action rather than making reckless decisions. He is fastidious and disciplined, some say compulsively so, but has a quiet confidence and calm about him that endeared him to a few close friends. He has an equal disdain toward bullies as he does toward people who wouldn't stand up for themselves, a disdain naturally extended toward rules and those who blindly obey them.

Reynard was practically raised by house elves.

His parents, distant cousins, were forcibly married off to each other by their respective family heads to secure the pureblood legacy of the House. His father and mother never cared much for one another, and consequently spent little time at home, preferring to focus on their careers, or further other interests in the magical community.

Despite being harsh and neglectful toward their children (or, perhaps, because of it), Reynard and his twelve siblings were desperate to win their parents' affection. The only way they could accomplish that was by becoming magical prodigies in their own right, proving themselves worthy of consideration.

The competition was fierce around the house, with siblings constantly playing a twisted game of one-upmanship so they could win one word of praise from their parents over dinner. Rivalries among the children oftentimes devolved into outright bullying, with neither parent ever there either to witness or put a stop to it.

He was relieved when the letter from Hogwarts finally arrived – not only because he didn't want to spend another day at the old family manor, but because he didn't want to face the same fate as his older sister who was confirmed to be a squib two years earlier, and who was no longer allowed in their presence.

First Instance of Magic:
Reynard doesn't remember his first instance of underage magic, having been only four when the incident occurred. As the story goes, the windows in his room all shattered one day when he was feeling particularly lonely, startling the young boy.