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Niamh Quinn
14 Dec 2010
Adare, Ireland
Second year, Gryffindor
27,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
A girl of average stature and build, Niamh is not someone who is easily noticed in a crowd. She stands at just under 4'9 in height with pale skin and rosy cheeks that are prone to sunburn during the summer months. None of her features are especially noteworthy. Her nose is small and ever-so slightly upturned, her eyes are a silver-blue color, and her lips are thin. Niamh's hair is honey-brown and reaches the middle of her back. It is usually loose and windswept or kept in a loose braid with strands falling out in different directions.

Mental Description:
Wild child. Insubordinate. Rambunctious scamp. Those were the usual terms teachers used to describe Niamh. Sometimes it happened during the official parent teacher conference time. Usually, however, it wasn’t. Take, for instance, the time this developing scallywag decided to rescue a salamander from the recess yard in an attempt to convince the teacher to keep it as a class pet. However, she happened to think it was a good idea to make it a surprise gift and place it on the teacher’s desk while she was out. Let’s just say that teacher wasn’t very happy with her after that.

Currently, Niamh's main priority is her own fun and entertainment. She has a tendency to act before thinking of the consequences, if she does think of them at all. Her mind is usually focused on the present. Why should she waste time thinking about her (probably boring) future life when she could be having fun now?

If there is one thing Niamh hates more than anything, it's boredom. She has a low tolerance for activities she considers uninteresting or a "waste of time" (which, by her definition, includes anything requiring long periods of focused concentration while indoors.) Studying was a main example of this. Despite her curiosity and endless stream of "why not" questions, her restless nature prevents her from focusing in classes.

Because of her self-assured nature, Niamh has rarely had issues talking to new people. Because of her large and tight-knit family, Niamh thrives in spaces with many people and is always searching for opportunities to be with the people who she is close to.

Niamh Ophelia Quinn was born on December 14th, 2010 in the University Maternal Hospital of Limerick, Ireland. The cold glare of the industrial lighting illuminated the delivery room, causing the white walls to appear even whiter than they actually were. Fresh, Clorox-scented air drifted in through the small crack in the door. (The doctor had neglected to close it fully after returning from her most recent trip to the bathroom.) Delicate raindrops collided with the small, two-pane window; the only reminder that nature was still near despite the harsh surroundings.

The slimly-built figure of a woman laid on the medical bed, her long, dark hair dangling neatly off the side. It was almost over. One could tell from the doctor's expression of concentration. The man standing in the corner paced stiffly. He did not want his wife to see how his legs trembled slightly with each step. She was giving birth. His pre-parental panic did not need to disrupt that. His thoughts drifted back to the children at home. Aoife, age 6, and Conor, age 4 had been left in the care of their Nana for the day, and, knowing her, they were probably at least on their fourth square of fudge by this point. The shop had been left in the hands of his brother, who was trustworthy for the most part. If any village resident was to desire general supplies, the general store was there to provide them.

The calm voice of the doctor speaking was then interrupted by a loud cry. The baby had emerged healthily and was placed in the woman's arms.


Niamh's health did not dwindle as she grew older. She was a spirited child, always chasing after her older siblings and asking to join in their games. Her favorite pastimes were going to the park, playing jump rope with her sister's friends, painting rocks in the garden, building forts in her parents' shop, and making up stories with her best friend, Emily.

Even if her siblings were busy at school, Niamh was never without company. Often, she would go with her parents to the general store that they owned. It wasn't the option she preferred but she tolerated it because it meant that she would be able to play with the various products that lined the shelves in great quantities. (Her mother would never let her near the saw and knife section which deeply disappointed her. Those long ones looked like they would make excellent stand-ins for alligator teeth)


Toddlerhood only lasts for a few years. Then one has to face *school*. Niamh was not the type to be afraid of school. The idea didn't phase her in the least. She knew that Emily would be going there as well and she looked forward to meeting the other kids and potentially making friends. What could possibly be bad about that?

The social aspect of school definitely lived up to her expectations. Niamh connected with the others easily and quickly became a well-liked, or even *popular* member of the class. However, the actual class part was a struggle. Niamh often found herself getting into trouble on a weekly basis. It was just so hard not to speak out of turn or crack a joke during class. Sitting at desks all day was boring so of course she would find a way to make it more tolerable. Besides, most of the other kids benefited from it just as much as she did. (Well, not counting Sarah. That kid was an insufferable prick.)

First Instance of Magic:
The summer of 2018 was a big one for Niamh. A new ice cream shop opened in her village, her parents agreed to let her go out alone, and she finally convinced her sister to teach her how to do a backflip off of the big rock at the beach. There was one major accomplishment, however, that she wasn't even aware happened— her first instance of magic.

It happened in the most mundane of settings. One moment, she was sitting on the cobblestone wall outside her house with her neighbor and best friend, feeling the slightest bit hungry. She rummaged around in her pocket and found a small, slightly crushed chocolate kiss. How did that get there? Weird. Niamh chose to trust it and popped the candy into her mouth.