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Ida Cornwell
19 Apr 2011
Sketty, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
30,3 cm ash wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: At 11 years of age and 135cm in height, Ida was considered a small girl, however, she was never bothered by that. The hazel eyes and porcelain skin would fit perfectly with her wavy, dirty blond hair - her mother had always called her a little angel because of that.

Mental Description: Ida was just your typical 11-year-old girl - except much more positive. For some reason, the blonde would always see the brighter side of things and was never scared of sharing her positivity with everyone around her! On rainy days, one could always find Ida somewhere in the middle of the nearest bushes, trying to find ladybugs to save from the rain, taking them "back to safety" under a nice, protecting tree. After all the ladybug saving, Ida would typically spend her free time baking cookies with Regina, her mom, so that she could bring to school the next day and share them with her classmates.

Biography: Living in the small town of Sketty, Wales, was probably the dream of every young child - or it would be if they knew how amazing it was. Ida absolutely loved her life and she couldn't imagine herself living anywhere else! Whenever they would visit their extended family in London for Christmas and New Year's, she would have just enough fun to be relieved when she was back to Welsh grounds. The air was cleaner, the streets were calmer and people just seemed... happier! Ida attended the nearest public school and life outside her house was very muggle-like. Muggle school, muggle friends - and she loved the duality of it! She got along with all of her classmates - especially Beatrice and Penelope, her best friends. And, at home, she had the other side of it! Dad was in charge of keeping the house clean, of course... but only because he would use magic for all of it! And Regina, her mom, would certainly not mind it. Daughter of a muggle accountant and a Ministry of Magic worker, Ida simply had the best of both worlds.

First Instance of Magic: The year had just turned and it was 2011 only for 25 minutes when it happened. The New Year's firework show was, as always, not enjoyable for Ida, even with the London Eye glancing down at her. She had always been scared of fireworks - it was just too noisy for her - but she had learned to tolerate it as long as she was with her parents and was actually expecting it, like on New Year's. But the exploding show had already ended almost 20 minutes ago, and she was just not prepared for the new wave of loud bangs! Ida grabbed her mom's hand tight, looking up with a fearful expression in her eyes, only to have it change to surprise when it saw it happen! The explosion happened over her, yes, but it was an explosion of flowers. An explosion of beautiful scents and colors, accompanied by the proud expression of John, her father, as he saw his little girl show her first sign of magic.