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Victor Steiner
03 Jul 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
25,2 cm mayhaw wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: Average height for an 11 year old boy, some 140 cm tall with short, smooth brown hair and grey eyes which stand starkly against pale white skin. Thin, not underweight but not wholly athletic either.

Mental Description: Inquisitive and sociable although more used to books than people making social interaction somewhat unfamiliar and possibly awkward. All in all Victor is bright and wants to learn as much as he wishes to make friends although he is not overly adept at doing so. He dislikes being told he cannot do something and desperately seeks to control his surrounding environment in an attempt to maintain not only understanding of it, but to keep his self doubt at bay. Victor is terrified of being considered average, or worse, incompetent.

Magic is a source of curiosity and wonder for young Victor although he strives to be as good as his parents he cannot help worry that he will disappoint, as such most of his time was spent in self imposed study in an attempt to better understand the magical and physical world. He reasons if he can understand it, the easier it will be to change it through magic.

Biography:Born to Isabella and James Steiner, Victor is the eldest child of three, his two siblings are rather different in personality and their interests although not so much so that he doesn't have a good relationship with them. Growing up in Dublin, Victor is accustom to seeing a variety of different people and magical animals although no singular form of magic every really stood out to him and he maintains a vivid imagination as to what he might find at Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: When a particularly intense argument broke out between him and his brother over whose turn it was to wash the dishes Victor unintentionally caused water to spray out of the kitchen faucet, dousing his younger brother in water.