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Ben Grayson
11 Jul 2011
Eastleigh, England
First year, Slytherin
32,6 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Ben is tall for his age, at 5 feet tall with onyx hair and eyes, mocha skin and a tad less weight than his mother would prefer. He has a more serious look on his face than an 11 year old should have, with thick black eyebrows that do wonders to express the boys feelings better than words ever could.

Mental Description: At his core Ben is loyal to a fault, and honest to the point of being mean, qualities instilled into him strongly by his mother. While having never had trouble making friends Ben was never one to approach children his age; this along with an outwardly icy demeanor resulting in few friends.

Still, Ben strives to personify the ideals of truth and honor and to live up to the high ideals his father has, that of honor and justice and a world where things are all black and white and to see the good in everyone. These beliefs often conflict with the more cynical views of his mother; that life is grey and nothing is as clear cut as it seems, and that everyone has some sort of evil within.

The two conflicting ideals often leave Ben at a crossroads for most decisions he makes and has caused a small conflict within him as he struggles to balance his fathers idealism and his mothers more realistic views on life and magic.

Biography: Ben Grayson is the youngest son of Jason and Alegra Grayson, an Auror and Russian immigrant. The pair met at Koldovstoretz, while Jason was traveling the wizarding world, and soon they became inseparable, quickly marrying at the young age 20. Soon after their first child Alex was born, and then Ivan and Catherine and finally Ben, their youngest child and the Grayson family's most recent addition into Hogwarts.

Growing up Ben was greatly influenced by his mother, with his father often away on Auror business the duty of raising a family was mostly left to Alegra. To say the Russian witch was a drill instructor would’ve been an understatement, she kept her children in line with a mix of lessons in Russian language and near constant stream of chores should they step out of line. Still Ben and his siblings loved their mother greatly and as they matured she began to treat them more like the young adults they were.

Eventually Ben would receive his Hogwarts letter, and would celebrate with his family, and make meticulous preparation for his first year to the school.

First Instance of Magic: One day, when Ben was a younger boy, he and a few other children were doing as kids do: playing with fire despite a lifetime of warnings to the contrary. Boys were being boys, playing out in an empty field with tall, dry, grass. One of the boys whether through forgetfulness or sheer will, managed to set fire to a patch of grass, and in the heat, the inferno rapidly began to spread. The other boys would flee the scene for fear of punishment, while Ben stayed and tried to stamp out the fire.

If someone had asked the young boy where the water had come from, he’d have not been able to tell them. Only that one instant he was surrounded by dry grass, and in the other a spout of water burst through the dirty, putting out the fire and wetting the grass.