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Nova Allers
01 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Nova is a 4'9 feet girl with natural front blond hair and black rear hair. She has hetochromia with blue and green eyes. Nova usually wears black shirts, and jeans, but can vary to dresses and white to. If Nova were to wear dresses she would go with off-shoulder dresses or a slit dress. Many have called her emo and goth, but she really ISN'T

Nova is usually a happy person, but can turn from angel to devil if anyone hurts her friends...Her favorite colors are blue, black, white, and green. Nova has a long-temper and a cold voice. She CAN be cruel if she wants, she's not all innocent, but she won't heat up in a second. Nova loves the book series WoF but is willing to explore more series.

Nova had an average amount of friends pre-hogwart's admission. None of her friend's were 'magical' and her mom was always ranting on about how being a pure-blood means you're 'royalty'. Her family has a house elf, but her father is unknown, as her mother never tells her who he is.

The first time she had an accidental magic problem was when she sneezed bubbles because she had a cold. Another magic occasion was when Nova made her phone catch on fire because she was furious. Her parents were quite shocked but proud of her skills as a pure-blood.
She lives in London, England.