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Skye Morrow
01 Jun 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
35,7 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
(My real name isn’t Skye, just wanted it to be a fairly normal name since she’s Muggle-Born if that’s okay. Also I wanted to make her slightly taller than the average height. Please let me know if 4’10” is too tall. I also made updates to the First Time Use of Magic as well!)

Physical Description: Skye is a tall girl for her age 4’10” and because of that she could described as clumsy. Due to her height, and what could add to her being clumsy, she is slender and rather lanky. Her dark red hair is normally seen in a bun, but if down it would go to just below her shoulder line. The young girl’s skin is fair except for the freckles, that are painted lightly across her nose line, which compliment here deep brown eyes.

Mental Description: She’s a fairly normal girl for her age. She grew up with four brothers, so she can be aggressive and sarcastic. The sarcasm isn’t meant to be hurtful though, she is also a kind and gentle soul when she isn’t around her brothers. Her parents would say that she is her best self when she spends her time in the country reading, drawing, and exploiting the wooded areas.

Biography: Her family didn’t know that magic even existed. It was all stories and fairytales, ones that Skye only thought were words in the stories she read herself. Her father is a lawyer and her mother an accountant for a large textile company. She has four brothers, all which are older than her, which caused her to be more aggressive than most girl’s her age. The aggressiveness is just roughhousery though, wrestling with her brothers and always trying to prove to herself she could tough it with the big boys. Their family was a normal Muggle family. Weekly workdays for mum and dad, kids went to school and received good (mostly) marks, and played sports. A normal, happy family by most standards. Surprisingly the family took it very well, when she received her Hogwarts letter, though only her oldest brother knows outside of her parents. For now, the rest of her family and friends believe she’s attending a boarding school in Wales.

First Instance of Magic: The first instance that Skye remembers is when she was eight years old. It was at her brother John’s birthday party. The party was a sleepover, so all of his friends were there. Being the only girl, she was angry that she was not able to join them in any of the fun. So when they sat down to have some cake, which she was able to actually take part in, she was still very much annoyed with her brother and it tittered on anger at that point. Then as he leaned forward to blow out his candles, the cake blew up in his face instead! She didn’t think much of it though. To her it was just weird and funny and he got what he deserved. It wasn’t until she received her letter that she knew it had been magic and that she had blown his cake up!