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Siesta Ernaline
17 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,2 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
- personality type: ESTJ
- headstrong, determined, authoritative, and often quite demanding.
- tendency: extremely decisive and sticking with her decisions.
- a curious person who will always ask questions and try to find out more about a topic or situation.
- very goal oriented and usually have a very clearly defined idea of what they want to do.
- long, soft, platinum-blonde hair, and light grey eyes.
- pale skin.
- height: 4 feet 8 inches.
- a home-sent letter - a kind of beauty, for the one who is lost on earth, not knowing nor remembering where is their true home, what exactly are they. it is a small amount of comfort, like a short hug, that comforts people and provides them braveness to continue their journey.
- the beauty of the dawn and the sunset, the morning and departing of day, an elegant phoenix that flies throughout the sky, spreading the warm colors of the setting sun with fluttering feathers.
- a daughter of the rich, old, pureblood family Ernaline.
- was taught well, a smart girl.
- cold as ice because of her parents' loveless marriage.
- physically cared for but not mentally cared for by family.
- always craves love and care.
- doesn't know how to socialize and make friends due to being home-schooled and raised at her family mansion only for her whole life.
Magic (FIoAM) first surface.
- when Siesta was 8, in her family mansion in London, UK, she accidentally broke a set of teacups with her magic because she was angry. she stared at the teacup set while her parents were arguing and fighting, she was so tense. Then the set (after being stared at for half a minute) broke.