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Victor Storms
Wizard born
04 Oct 2010
North Baddesley, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
27,4 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: 5'0ft and 80lb, wears his wizard robes and hat when attending the classes. He carries with him a picture of his cat named Nike. He has slight gap teeth, blue eyes, and blonde hair. He has no blemishes or scars on his face.

Mental Description:

A serious individual that takes his studies seriously and hates it when he fails at doing a particular task. He also likes doing bad deeds such as leaving him bedroom at night to explore the outdoors. He also loves the cold environment and prefers it over the heat. He loves cats and enjoys feeding them all the time.

Biography: Victor Storms grew up with a mother and father who taught him about the farm life. He would spend his days on the farm just gathering hay for the horses. He never liked the life of the heat, which is why he grew to despise it. He also grew up with his cat named Nike, which he cares for and loves since he got him at the age of 5. When he wasn't attending to the farm, he was playing with his cat and feeding him. Sleeping with the cat and making sure they were okay.

First Instance of Magic: One day Victor was angry about his father forgetting his birthday and accidentally setting his father's favorite shirt on fire. His father was angry at first due to the sudden act being done, however he had discovered that his son can use magic and after calming down, he then told his son that he was happy that he could even do magic.