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Alice Rushing
27 Oct 2010
Birmingham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,9 cm pine wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Dirty blonde hair, pale-ish skin tone, pale and dark blue/green eye mix, dark blue around the edges, 4'7, back-length wavy hair, has kind of a baby face, kind of slim because of her height, can run fast while keeping breathing under control, size nine to ten in shoe size, wears small gold heart earrings

Mental Description: Loves animals, doesn't trust people easily with information, slight anger issues, more introverted than extroverted, kind heart, loves music and reading, likes basketball, is patient but after a while can get aggravated (irritated easier by bullies), likes baggy clothes, likes to make people laugh, likes galaxy aesthetic things, likes music by Linkin Park and nightcore music, doesn't like to wear things on her wrist, likes to eat chocolate chip cookies and food

Biography: Oldest of four siblings, most of her friends are a year younger, three dogs and four cats (all outdoor), made people laugh a lot, likes fruit type pie, would give dogs a flea and tick bath every weekend, likes to brush her dogs hair

First Instance of Magic: One of her cats, Grayfur (aka. princeyboi, fur face, floof bum, baby floofy shcmoops), got stuck in a 50 foot pine tree and wouldn't come down, and then he started floating down when I tried (and failed) to climb the tree.