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Robin Blackwood
07 Dec 2010
London, England
First year, Slytherin
32,7 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: AMAB, Robin has brown hair with naturally blue and green eyes although these are concealed in favor of contacts that make them appear an fiery orange PA, and caucasian skin. They’re an average height, at roughly 5’0.

Mental Description: Robin tends to be either extremely reserved, extremely bold, or somewhere in between. Due to their upbringing, they tend to look at things analytically. Emotions tend to take a backseat for them, due to being taught that feelings “always make a person weaker and hold them back”.

Biography: Robin was born into a paramilitary background. To be specific, their parents were high-ranking officials in a PMC which has access to airships, as well as other modern weaponry with a network of safehouses.
This means that Robin moved quite often, as they followed their parents. Eventually they settled in London around 2017, where Robin would stay until they came to Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: As far as anyone was concerned, it never happened. Aboard the Wrath of Iron, a medium sized airship used for training exercises, as well as a troop transport, Robins parents were overseeing a live-fire exercise. This meant Robin was left on their own, inside a small dormitory with sparse decorations. In total, there was a lamp, desk, and a bed. It felt more like a prison cell at times than a room, even if said room was only meant to be temporary. As they attempted to put their hoodie into one of the desk drawers, the hoodie seemed to phase through the drawer, onto the ground below.