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Charlie Jacobsen
09 Dec 2010
Dublin, Ireland
Third year, Quidditch player, Ravenclaw
31,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
IC Information

First Instance:
Charlie was nine years old, and the sun had just gone down. She was out doing a chore in the garden. Her mum was sitting in a chair, on the porch, watching her and her sister Eliza. Charlie was stacking rocks on the edge of the garden. Her sister Eliza kept grabbing rocks and throwing them back into the grass, where Charlie was picking them out. Charlie knew it was her, but didn’t feel like calling her out. After minutes of this going on Charlie was extremely frustrated and grabbed a rock. She whipped her head around, just in time to see a rock flying by next to her. It stopped in mid air, and flew back. It gently landed on the pile. Charlie stood there in shock and then slowly turned around to find another rock.

Charlie has brownish gray eyes with very pale skin. The pale skin comes from her father. Her light brown hair, that she keeps slightly longer than shoulder length. Her hair color comes from her mum, but after that she looks nothing like her. She is 5’1and weighs about 95 pounds.


Charlie is a very interesting girl. She loves to explore, especially at night. very loyal, kind, brave, smart and somewhat honest. Sometimes she breaks her mums rules, but only the stupid ones. Has lots of anxieties about random things, especially stuff related to her father. She's very creative, especially when it comes to creating new rhythms on her drum kit. She has an interest in anything plants nature related. She can have a sense of humor and can be very sarcastic. She is shy in certain situations like in front of a ton of people. She is a very sporty person, and avoids wearing dresses and skirts at all costs. She is willing to stand up for strangers, and stares down any bullies or mean things.

Biography/ Backstory:

Ashlyn Jacobsen- Mother
Alex Jacobsen- Father
Dawn Winchect - Aunt (unknown)
Henry Winchect - Uncle (unknown)
Ava Winchect - cousin (Unknown)
Jordyn- Muggle friend

Before Birth

After Dawn graduated from Hogwarts, she settled down and worked at a local pub. Her sister, Ashlyn, would be graduating soon, and they had plans to travel the world. But on one fateful day, about three months before term ended Dawn met Henry. It was love at first sight for the muggle and the witch and exactly 12 days before school ended, he proposed- Dawn loved him more than anything, and agreed. Now this made her younger sister angry. Ashlyn refused to go to the wedding and stopped sending letters. Now, Dawn and Ashlyn come from a line of pureblood wizards, so Dawn became a disgrace to the family, marrying a muggle. Dawn and Henry moved to London, far from where the rest of the family lived in Ireland. All the while Ashlyn was traveling the world. first to Egypt, then to Australia until she decided to take a break from traveling and take a rest in London, England. She was able to buy a one room apartment and get a job locally.
It was one night at a magical dinner party that she met Alex. He asked her out on a date but she refused, only caving after he begged. Her sister's betrayal still seemed fresh, so it would only be one date. Until it wasn’t. It was eleven-twelve dates. Ashlyn became pregnant and only days later was proposed to, and she accepted, feeling the joy that must have ran through her sister, who wasn’t invited.
Now, while all this was happening Dawn and Henry were expecting, and the house began filling with toys of all kinds, though only muggle. Clothes were bought, the spare room was redecorated. Soon it was clear that both babies were going to be girls and their names were settled on. To Dawn and Henry, Ava would be born, and to Ashlyn and Alex, Charlotte would be born. Her dad chose to name her Charlotte after his great grandmother. Cara became her middle name because it was Ashlyn’s grandmother's name. Right before Charlotte was born, her mom and dad moved to Bray, Ireland. Its small population was liked by Ashlyn. It was also closer to Faith’s house, which Charlotte loved to visit. The rest of the family lived in Kilkenny, Ireland, which was not too far away.
Then finally on December 9, 2011 both girls were born, Ava late and Charlotte early. WC:400

After Birth

Soon, Ashlyn became pregnant again. When the baby was born they decided on naming her Eliza. Alex was seen less and less, and when Ashlyn asked him about it, he always said that he was at work. She didn’t believe him, and was very suspicious of him. They began fighting, and got divorced.
Ashlyn was devastated, and they moved to Dublin, Ireland, right after Charlotte's 5th birthday. Charlotte started being called by Charlie, because her dad chose that name and she hated it.
Now that she was in a whole new city, she didn’t really have much to do. After Charlie’s mum & dad got divorced, Charlie needed something to do. She was living in a muggle town, so usual Wizarding activities were not a good idea. Charlie went to a get to know your neighbor party where she met Jordyn. They instantly became best friends. Jordyn had been taking ice skating lessons and somehow convinced Charlie to join. Charlie then realized how good she was. The two girls decided to join the town's youth hockey team. Jordyn quickly advanced to the captain of the team while Charlie became a strong left wing.
After about 2 years of hockey, Charlie decided to learn the drums. one day she was down the street, and a muggle neighbor was selling a drum kit. Charlie rushed home, counted her Muggle savings, and bought it. Her mom was shocked, but accepted it. She began lessons and has been drumming since.
In her spare time, she spent tons of time outside, exploring her giant backyard. Mostly at night, she hated being out during the day, and wanted to see more of the world, just like her mom had.
Charlie’s first instance of magic happened way later than expected. Charlie was nine years old, and the sun had just gone down. She was out doing a chore in the garden. Her mum was sitting in a chair, on the porch, watching her and her sister Eliza. Charlie was stacking rocks on the edge of the garden. Her sister Eliza kept grabbing rocks and throwing them back into the grass, where Charlie was picking them out. Charlie knew it was her, but didn’t feel like calling her out. After minutes of this going on Charlie was extremely frustrated and grabbed a rock. She whipped her head around, just in time to see a rock flying by next to her. It stopped in mid air, and flew back. It gently landed on the pile. Charlie stood there in shock and then slowly turned around to find another rock.
When she received her Hogwarts letter, she was filled with joy.
Charlie currently lives in Dublin, Ireland in a small 3 bedroom house with her mum and sister Eliza. Ashlyn, Charlie’s mum, is a part time healer at St. Mungos. The other part she is a stay at home mum. Her dad works at the ministry with ‘boring case files’ as Charlie says. His real job title is an exotic symbol analysis. He decides symbols and figures out what they mean. To his muggle family he works at a muggle construction company, figuring out all their expenses. WC:526
OC Information

Name: call me charlie
Age: Teen
Pronouns: She/her
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