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Anelia Johnsoni
08 Feb 2011
York, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,5 cm aspen wood and thestral tail hair
Owls: Open
House: Gryffindor
Fave Class: Care of Magical Creatures or Herbology

Physical Description

Physical Description: Anelia has long brown hair, which is too messy for its own good. Her wavy hair is called pretty by most people. She will usually be seen with her hair in a clip or a long ponytail. Her rosy red lips are natural even though people do not believe her. Her freckled face is distinctive from others faces. Anelia is 139.7cm tall (4'7ft tall) Her comforting hazel eyes that reflect her soft personality. Anelia's different from others, she has had a thin but noticeable scar on her upper neck right beneath her chin, she got it from surgery when she swallowed a toddler toy at the age of 4. She would say she is "average size". She is usually seen wearing black, red, or a peachy white.

Mental Description

Mental Description: Anelia is the OPPOSITE of a "social butterfly" she is really shy most people call her "emo" for this and her sense of style. She will gladly be friends with anybody that is actually willing to be friends with her little "emo" personality. She is a dedicated, intelligent, troublemaking 11 year old. She loves animals and small reptiles. Reading and art is her passion, and reason for living!


Family: Her parents were both Gryffindor. They haven't been there for her mentally ever since she was 7 years old, they have ignored her for the longest time. Her real mother left when she had just given birth to her. Anelia's dad remarried. Her stepmom didn't like her, she used her dad for money. She was kinda upset with her dad for not noticing she was using him. Anelia's dad, Arnold Mansheir Johnsoni was known for being a quidditch player when he was a bit younger than most famous players. Her stepmom was expelled at Hogwarts when she was just a second year!

First instance of magic

First Instance Of Magic: She discovered her parents passed down the gift of their magic down to her when she was about 5-6 on her dad's birthday and she realized she didn't draw him a birthday card and while she was running to the kitchen to draw him a picture as his gift, she tripped over a Barbie Dreamhouse Car, she was about to bang her head across the oven but she floated midair over the counter. She was yelling to show her dad and stepmom her new abilities. Her dad said "Of course you have your mom's floating skills" and her stepmom rolled eyes.