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Lexie Sereno
11 Feb 2011
Oxford, England
Second year, Gryffindor
27,6 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Bigger than most people her age, Lexie is tall and proportionally wide. With straight chestnut colored hair that goes down past her shoulders and light skin with faint freckles. Her eyes are a pale green, like the color has been partially sucked out of them. The color of her clothes usually represent the mood she’s in, for example, dull colors may indicate a sullen emotional state, and bright colors could mean a cheery state of mind.

Lexie would seem to be a quiet child at first glance. That is, until you get to know her, and then you would see the eccentric, sarcastic and witty person she really is. She has trouble talking to people at first, but will warm up to people quickly. Frequently has she been called overly competitive, especially when playing sports, but claims she’s “just having good sportsmanship”. She can’t stand conflict and often takes the role of the mediator when arguments or fights occur. A bit of a rule breaker, though gets caught more than she would like.

Born in England, Lexie grew up in the big city of Oxford, where her father worked as professor in the local university. She had three siblings, and even though she was the second youngest, she would take on more responsibilities than she cared for. To get out of it, she would find extracurricular activities, like sports and clubs, to spend her time at. The abundance of time she would spend at these activities, left her with a minimal amount of time to study, which resulted in poor grades.

Her mother, a pureblood witch, was diagnosed with early onset dementia when Lexie was barely three. She was put into a nursing home, and left Lexie's father, a muggle, with four young children to look after. Even with her lack of a maternal figure, she grew up to be a well rounded young lady.

Walking home from school one windy afternoon, Lexie was deep in thought, thinking about how to get out of the few chores she had. Out of the bushes jumped a gray cat, who stared at her. Being deathly afraid of cats, she jumped back, startling the cat which hissed and spat in her direction. That simple act made Lexie scream and her eyes widened as the cat started to float up into the air. Panicked, she froze, the cat nearly ten feet up in the air, and screamed at it to come down, unbeknownst to her that it was she herself, making the cat levitate. After lots of pleading, begging and screaming, the cat slowly floated down and scampered back into the bushes. She ran home to tell her father, who enlightened her to the fact that, like her mother, she was a witch.