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Alice Rose
Wizard born
23 Sep 2010
Ellesmere Port, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Name: Alice Rose

Physical Description: Half-Blood, Female, wavy light brown hair that goes down past her shoulders, blue eyes, pale skin.

Mental Description: Is kind all the time, Can hide her emotions very easily, Thinks of other before herself, Listening to music calms her down if she is angry or upset, Barely ever gets sick.

Biography: Mother is a Witch, Father is a Wizard, 11 years old, Lives in the wizarding world, Dad and Mum both work for The Ministry Of Magic.

First Instance of Magic: When Alice was 8, she had moved away from her friends, and she was furious, when she got to the new house she went inside to her belongings and set a curtain on fire, she smelled smoke and looked behind her, she saw the curtain on fire and screamed, her parents both came running to her room and were shocked, Alice told her parents she was angry and then she smelled smoke, her parents told her that she had to calm down or more things were going to set on fire.

Personality: Kind to everyone even Muggles, Protective over family and friends, Smart, Productive with her time.

Hobbies: Watching Quidditch, Talking with friends, Sitting around or near a fireplace, Hanging out with family and friends.

Likes: Reading, Music, Studying, Dancing, Outdoors, Sports, Unsolved mysteries and Feeling secure, Getting compliments, Helpful people, Being kind to everyone she meets even if they aren't kind back, The smell of flowers (Roses to be exact), The smell of a burning wood fireplace.

Dislikes: When people correct her, The dark, When people ignore her, Being locked in a room by herself, Being monitored, Talking about her weaknesses, Seeing people hurt or getting hurt.