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Reverie Binx
31 Oct 2010
Wales, England
First year, Ravenclaw
22,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Reverie has very long hair, it's the lightest of blond, & it almost like pure white. She has darker emerald eyes, & a paler skin tone with a smaller facial complex. With a couple peircings in her left ear, & a pencil always stuck in the braided bun at the back of her head, she lets the rest of her long hair down, & always has strands of it in her face. Reverie is the average height, being almost 70% legs. She makes sure that she is always presentable, & always has her Ravenclaw tie tied a little loser, with her leather brown satchel always hanging at the side of her, filled with many things.

Mental Description: Reverie is almost always caught up in her thoughts, sketching, & staring off into space. She's not shy, but just likes to keep to herself, & stay in her own bubble. When it comes down to it though, she will be there for anyone, & always says just the right thing oddly. Reverie also has severe anxiety when it comes to crowds of very large people, but other than that, she does quite well!

Biography: Reverie lives at a pretty decent countryside home in Wales, where they have a couple farm animals, a river, & tons of trees. It's always been Reverie, her Father, & her Mother on the farm. Reverie also never really had any friends, seeing as she was in the countryside away from most people. She loved drawing anything & everything while connecting with the animals. Her mother looks very much like her, & her full name is Margret Ann Binx, who is quite a good witch if I saw so myself. Her father is a muggle though, but has green eyes & blond hair.

First Instance of Magic: Reverie Binx's first instance of Accidental Underaged Wandless Magic was when she was 5, & accidentaly froze a fawn with ice. What caused this was when she was feeding the fawn, & patting it's shoulder when a spider crawled onto her, & she paniced. Still touching the fawn, she froze it. Margret realized & quickly fixed the fawn.

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