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Suni Íbarez Sorní
15 Jun 2011
Redruth, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,9 cm vine wood and unicorn hair
Who is Suni?

Suni is a tall eleven-years-old girl with really light brown eyes, which looked more like an amber when illuminated. She also has a really pale brown hair, which has larger strands at the front, usually braided by her mum or herself. She is seen most of the time with a calm expression on her face. With her round lips and her defined nose, which slightly widens at the tip, along with her almond shaped eyes, she looked rather angelical.

Her face matched her personality quite well, as she was as free as a bird. She didn't really care about filtering her thoughts, so she was really genuine and you could see her way of thinking as she talks, always with a soft voice while using her whole body, even if it might seem odd to others. She's rather dreamy and has a strong sense of justice and empathy; she wants to see a world filled with peace and freedom, freedom to love whom you want, to express yourself however you like, she will fight for those even if it's merely with her words.
It would be illogical of her to not be open minded knowing this, she accepts any type of person quickly, and belives in redemption. She is deeply in touch with her emotions, so you could consider her senstive. But most what stands out the most about her is how whismical she is, and even so, she was able to conserve the reasonable part of things even in her utopia.

About her life before coming to Hogwarts

As for her live before coming into Hogwarts, it was rather cozy.
She didn't grow up with a lot of kids her age, since she was homeschooled by her parents, she lived on the outskirts of Redruth. She actually had two mothers and two fathers; they were in a polyamorous relationship, her biological mother was dating another woman while her biological father was dating another man. Along with two of her grandparents, she lived happily with them.
Suni cannot remember a time where she didn't feel love, her parents were always gentle and understanding, not once did they scream at her, and even so she turned out to be a good kid, not spoiled at all. This is partly why she didn't have any problems with communication, as she never had to filter herself with the people she was surrounded with. Her parents also encouraged creativity and made her think she was capable of anything, and that nothing was truthly impossible, even when they didn't know about the wizarding world.
It was a pleasnt surprise for everyone in the family, and even tho it saddened Suni to leave her family behind, she wanted to take the opportunity. Of course, as they always have, they supported her on the decision.

Looking back into Sun's life, the signs of magic were kinda obvious. The first time something ever happened tho, was that one time where she was running through the forest that envolved the area. Her little feet were carrying her to the biggest tree she could find. Once she found herself there, she sat down, looking down, she saw some pretty flowers. Excitedly, she began to wonder how they would look in a few months, when spring begun and the flowers bloomed. Her body felt warm for a second and the flowers began to grow, blooming in front of her eyes. The little toddler rubbed her eyes, she was aware of what she saw, but once she looked back, the flowers were no longer blooming and looked dead once again. She pouted for a while, but decided to grab them and show them to the family anyway.