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Olivia Henry
06 Feb 2011
Pembroke, Wales
First year, Slytherin
24,0 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Upon first setting eyes on Olivia Henry, those in the wizarding world may initially pucker a brow; on the face of the young, mousey girl is painted a long wine stain mark. This, albeit the most distinctive, is not the most notable element of Olivia's appearance -- She is wholly untidy, sporting largely ill-fitting hand-me-downs and a nest of tousled auburn hair. She has light eyes, pale skin, and a forest of freckles on every visible inch. Her face is framed with two memorably large ears.

Olivia is, to some, insufferably plucky, with an astute mind and a daring heart. In her early schooling, she was renowned by instructors as being no less than a "handful", quick to challenge her peers to friendly intellectual competitions, and even quicker to celebrate her opponents' defeats. She is not by any means, however, an unfriendly or unsportsmanlike young girl. Though naturally competitive, and driven to excess, Olivia is good-hearted. She values the truth deeply, and sees it as her duty to ensure that all those around her are treated fairly, often dragging outliers into conversation or offering her companionship to subtle types.

Prior to her enrollment at Hogwarts, Olivia lived in Pembroke, Wales with her father, an English muggle called Clark, and her mother, a Welsh half-blood called Regina. Together, Clark and Regina Henry bore two children; The eldest, called Malcolm, is fifteen years old and, much to his dismay, exhibits no magical abilities. The two were raised in Wales, sparing only the occasional visit to their extended paternal family in Walkerburn, Scotland. Olivia is only scarcely acquainted with her family there, but speaks highly of them.

Olivia first exhibited magical abilities at the age of ten. Whilst in a heated (though entirely unimportant) intellectual squabble with her mother, Olivia unknowingly caused a pencil, two markers, and a rubber eraser to rise into the air, remaining in suspended animation until her focus was broken. Her mother, a half-blood intimately familiar with the hijinks of adolescent magic, silently noted this instance and patiently awaited young Olivia's letter.