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Ivy Camillo
Wizard born
31 Jan 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,4 cm chestnut wood and thestral tail hair
Physical Description: Ivy is a quite short girl with long brown hair and green eyes, she has soft freckles and often wears her Hair open or in a single low ponytail. She has a small nose and overall no special features. She is often recognized by her height, as she is always the smallest of the group and looks to be about 9 years old ( she is 11 but looks younger due to her height). Ivy has no piercings. Overall pretty but not overly gorgeus. Her cheeks are a bit chubby giving her a rounder face, her body is thin. She often has joint pain due to her heightissues

Mental Description: She is loud and outgoing, always likes to talk and meet new people. Ivy is quite easy to confuse and tends to loose things, forget things or get lost. She wants to be part of everything and always tries to know every little detail about anything. Loves to learn and gather information of any kind. She does have a tendency to misunderstand people and has trouble with social settings, wich often leads to her feeling left out or unwanted. She is sensitive to those feelings but tries to hide it as she doesnt know how to express it. Overall a cheery and outgoing child with loads of curiosity. Can be a bit overwhelming and rude at times, but never on purpose, she just doesnt understand social rules as well.

Biography: Ivy grew up in London as the child of a witch and a wizard who both went to Hogwarts and were Hufflepuff-Students. She has one best friend but lost contact to her a year ago due to her friend having to move. Ivy was homeschooled before getting her Letter, as both her parents think that a general education is needed . Her parents taught her many things about magic, and never hid it from her. Her dad gave her her first book about magical creatures and her mom got Ivy her Book about the history of magic. The lather book has barely been read, Ivy never really warmed up to the authors dry style of writing. Her father works for a small Billywig reservat and often teaches her about the do´s and don´ts of caring for any kind of animal, mainly things like "keep your hands to yourself, dont scream, respect the animal" aswell as some more detailed information about the magical beasts she asks him about. Her mother hasnt worked eversince ivys birth, and is the main caretaker of the family. Ivy has younger Brother who is very eager to attend Hogwarts with his sister. Sadly he will have to wait another year for that to happen. The small family also has two cats and a fish (who some believe has died a long time ago and has been replaced with a enchanted peice of wood eversince ivy forgot to feed the poorguy for a week). Ivy loves her parents and her brother, but her cats have the biggest place in her heart.

First Instance of Magic: Ivy loves to read and often looses track of everything around her. One day when she was reading one of her favourite books about a Dragon and his adventures her magic activated. Her thoughts guided the magic and turned her skin a very unsightly shade of green, just like the Dragon she had immagened herself to be. The spell wore of after a few hours and she hasnt been able to redo it since.