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Klaus Fernsby
Wizard born
10 Feb 2011
Dorset, England
First year, Slytherin
26,5 cm willow wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Klaus is of average height, and a bit scrawny. He has tawny, mousy-brown hair that often falls in clumps framing his head. His eyes are light green–the color of sea glass.

Mental Description: Klaus Fernsby is a whimsically odd lad. He doesn’t intend to be, sure, but it simply can’t be helped when one’s head is always in the clouds. He spends more time day-dreaming than he does studying, allowing himself to float wherever the wind decides to take him. This isn’t to say that he doesn’t care: he does! He has his own plans, just a unique way of expressing it.

Biography: Klaus was born into a magical family with no siblings. His father, Pierre, is famous in some circles for his work with magical anthropology, causing him to be gone for long stretches of time, visiting other countries for his research. Klaus' mother, Adeline, taught him piano when he was a child. She often stayed home with him when Pierre was out for work. Because of that, he is very close with her and admires her. He grew up relatively wealthy, in a large manor with vines creeping over the bricks, though his childhood was not hedonistic.

First Instance of Magic: Klaus' first instance of underage magic was when he was three years old. He was still learning how to walk, and, upon approaching a descending flight of stairs, the stairs turned into a slide and he landed safely at the bottom.