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Desmond Bluewater
Hogsmeade, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
23,4 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Part of an old wizarding family, Desmond Bluewater was born in Hogsmeade. The Bluewaters were a rather secluded family that kept to themselves most of the time, and as such very little is known about them.

Desmond was a curious child, and even at as young as 6 months he began showing magical prowess when his teddy bear was out of his reach, he summoned it to himself. However despite his curiosity, he was also extremely shy and kept his contact with people other than his family to a minimum.

His parents gave him many of their old school books to read, and Desmond spent most of his time satisfying his thirst for knowledge. His childhood was very uneventful, with nothing out of the ordinary happening, or at least nothing out of the ordinary from a wizard's perspective.

When Desmond received his letter from Hogwarts he wasn't in the least bit surprised, as he was already aware of his own magical prowess, and there wasn't a single Bluewater that didn't attend Hogwarts.

He had shoulder length black hair and deep dark brown eyes. He was rather short for his age and had a frail body. Desmond always carried a book with him with no matter where he went, and it became a part of his appearance. Desmond hoped to be sorted into Ravenclaw.