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Sage Finley
05 Apr 2011
Birmingham, England
First year, Slytherin
26,4 cm aspen wood and troll tail hair
Physical Description: Sage Finley has always been quite pretty. They have black hair down to their thighs, usually tied in a ponytail or thick braid. It is dyed a baby-blue at the tips. They have pale skin, almost completely white, complimented by sky-blue eyes that almost have a slight glow to them when they're up to something. They are 5 feet tall exactly and are a little bit chubby, but nothing too bad.

Mental Description: Sage has always been a sweet and kind individual, going out of their way to help anyone that they can at any time. They can also be stubborn and annoying if they want to, but only if someone annoyed them first. A flaw of theirs is that they have major separation anxiety.

Biography: Sage was given up for adoption by their mother when they were 3 years old, and spent the next three years of their life in a foster home before their birth father found them and decided to adopt them. Later, when they were 10, they discovered that they were non-binary their father did not like that so she kept it a secret. They lived a normal life besides disputes about/with their birth mother. They had a good amount of friends as well.

First Instance of Magic: "Come on, Sage, get down from there!" Sage's friend called as Sage was climbing up a tall tree.
"Don't tell me what to do, stupid!" They called back, not realizing what they were doing and letting their hand fall from the branch they were grasping tightly. They screamed as they fell down, and as they were about to land on their head, they closed their eyes and braced for impact, but miraculously landed on their feet.