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Nicole Richards
09 Jul 2011
Redditch, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,8 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Nicole is rather petite, with long blonde hair and blue/green eyes. She has fair skin, and a few, faint freckles along the bridge of her nose.

Mental Description: Nicole is rather reserved and shy. While she may not be outgoing at first, she becomes more outgoing the closer she gets with someone, though still remains somewhat quieter. She has a strong moral compass, and is very level-headed. Nicole is also clever, and very curious--often, she'll spend hours, days, or even weeks researching things she's interested in. She's kind and considerate, and tries to see things from everyone's point of view, making her a bit of a people pleaser. She's a perfectionist, and tries to make everything she does not only meet other people's standards, but her own, very high ones.

Biography: Nicole was born to Audrey and John Richards, the younger sister to Juliette. Two years later, her brother, George, would be born. She has a decent relationship with her siblings (as far as siblings go), especially with her older sister.

She played softball at home, plus serval instruments (the violin, cello, and piano), all of which took up a good deal of her time. She likes to read, and could often be found tucked in a corner of the library with a book. When not busy, she ran lines with Juliette, who loved theatre, or played catch with George, who wanted to play baseball. While not "popular" at school, she was well-liked and had plenty of friends, from school and softball, whose houses she often frequented.

First Instance of Magic: Nicole was three when it happened, at a daycare with other young children her age. As she had never been known to cause much trouble, an aide had left her briefly to go and tend to another child.

Soon after the aide left, a boy, Andrew (who was not very well-liked among the other daycare members, as he was pushy and used to getting his way), came up and snatched the teddy bear she had been playing with. Upset, Nicole had reached for the bear to take it back, and begun to cry. At the same moment, many of the toys around her began to float, and the bear floated out of Andrew's grasp and into Nicole's hands.

As Nicole had never been known to misbehave before, it was determined that Andrew must have dropped the bear (despite his claims otherwise; which were mostly ignored, as he had never been a very truthful child), and Nicole had grabbed it off the floor. As for the other floating toys, it was dismissed as one of Andrew's falsehoods, to change the story by painting himself as the victim.