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Sally Urnwhil.
04 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,3 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Sally has golden, blonde hair that runs just to her shoulders and partially across her face, she has green eyes that look super bright. She has super fair skin, smoothly running across her body with a few moles here and there. Also baring square-frame glasses that sit down, perfectly in place.

Mental Description: Sally is a friendly, smart and kind girl yet she fears Public Speaking. She, on the the personality scale is an realist but she never puts anyone down as she believes ironically that everybody has a voice. She loves books but really isn't social and is a introvert rather preferring to spend time by herself, studying or practicing. She also loves myths and legends, believing in them 110 percent.

Biography: Sally's home life was stable. Her father Ralph and grandfather Robert before her were talented wizards, capable of most spells. While her mother hid away from using magic as she wants people to be convinced she is a Muggle. Only Sally and her younger sister Isabella know this secret of their dear mother Meridola. Sally and Isabella get along well as they help each other when one is nervous or scared but they do banter a bit.

First Instance of Magic: Sally's first magic was when a spider came into Isabella's room and Sally made it disappear without thinking out of desperation of protecting her younger sister from her worst fear.