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Cordelia Shyns
Wizard born
22 Aug 2011
Manchester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,2 cm cherry wood and basilisk horn
Physical Description: Cordelia is a lean, slightly tall eleven-year-old. She has slightly messy, curly blonde hair with streaks of dirty hints. She has untrusting, courageous bright green slitted eyes, with long elegant lashes. She has sharp cheekbones and a small, skinny nose. Her long, skinny fingers are slightly pale, and her face is almost always pampered with light blush and mascara. She is slightly tall being 5 feet but most of her hight relies on her legs and head.

Mental Description: Cordelia is impressively smart, with a big heart. She often helps her friends, and her friend group is slightly large due to her fortune. She loves having multiple friends, though she prefers reading a book or sometimes just drawing in her notepad which she can often be seen carrying around.

Biography: Cordelia had a basic life before hogwarts. Even when she was around 4, her life was full of magic. She was a wizard born, and both of her parents had no intention of hiding that. Every 4 years, her parents would take her to see magical things in hopes of her being born with magical abilities, and that soon proved right. Cordelia had a liking for picking some of the interesting fruits by her home. Tiys, a handsome family pet phoenix was close with Cordelia, and she could often be found teaching him tricks.

First Use of Magic: In hopes of being magical, Cordelia's Parents Mariaan and Hester would often take her around the world to magical places. For her eighth birthday, while Cordelia was running around with some young muggle children, Cordelia was annoyed at one of the older teenagers bullying a 6 year old. Cordelia, having no idea what was happening, managed to send the bully into a pine tree, and her mother was strangely proud at cleaning up her daughters mess!