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Hermione Puja
14 Feb 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
22,8 cm chestnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
I have black, wavy hair with a perfect jawline, dark brown, mysteriously beautiful eyes, and straight eyebrows. I have a beautiful medium-brown skin tone, with perfect nails and a perfect skinny build. I am of Indian descent. I am about 4'11 currently.
I am a little bit shy, but I always stand up for others if I uphold justice. I am very kind, but I can be a little bit aggressive at times. I try not to be angry, but I can be passed off as annoying. I get obsessed with the littlest things and often am caught up in the most trendy things.
My pre-Hogwarts life was something like this; I grew up in Toronto with my Indian parents and my sister, but we moved to London when i was a baby, and we moved because my parents grew up there . (btw I got confused about what city I am from, so it's actually London, and I didn't know) My parents were both famous actors in the wizarding world, and they were often working overtime. My sister was a graduate of Beauxbatons, and she was a very good student as well. My parents think it's because of my ancestors, but we're not sure. I attended a private school for purebloods where I was taught basic things about pure-bloods. My parents dislike muggle-borns and half-bloods but I don't really care.
I was playing with my friends when I got mad at one of them and they started floating in the air.
(Also I know Hermione is an actual character but I just like the name so I and the actual character are different.)