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Tesla Stone
Wizard born
14 Jul 2011
Burford, England
Third year, Quidditch player, Hufflepuff
20,2 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Summary:Tesla is a werewolf, and was changed when she was 9. She always wears a bandana or leather bracelet to cover the bite scar on her right wrist. She has messy blond hair and freckles, and can be seen smiling nearly all the time. She's clearly friendly and upbeat.

Personality: Tesla has often stated that her favorite color is yellow like the sun, and this in itself is a representation of her as a person. She's an energized, friendly, compassionate girl with a smile and a hug ready for everyone and everything, be it human, animal, or even plant or inanimate object.

Physical Description: Tesla is a tall girl, being 5'6” tall by age 13, with bright freckles on nearly every stretch of visible skin, although most of them are on her cheeks and nose. She has short blonde hair that's always messy and fluffed up like she's never seen a brush in her life. She seems to be covered in dirt and have scuffed up knees from running and playing, no matter how recently she'd washed or been patched up with a handy healing spell. She almost always wears a bandana to pull back her hair and a (sometimes) matching one to cover the werewolf bite scar on her right wrist.

Mental Description: Tes would rather spend every chance she could outside instead of cooped up indoors. This can be rather detrimental to her grades, but she still does her best in school. Her love of creatures- big, small, or magical -means that anything other than working on her family's farm or running around outside can sometimes be unimportant to her.

Biography: Tesla was born into a family of a muggle-born witch and a wizard-born witch. They live just outside of a small muggle town on a small-medium sized farm where they keep mostly non-magical creatures, since her muggle-born mother missed the normality of animals without extra limbs and features, and her wizard-born mother thinks they're far more fascinating than any magical creatures she got to see every day growing up. This means Tesla grew up primarily around muggles whenever she went into town for school, but with magic normalized around her own house (there's only so much scooping poop without a wand one family wants to do).

First Instance of Magic: Tesla's magic first appeared when she was six-years-old. Her mothers had assured her that if she turned out to have no magic at all she would still be loved, so it was a pleasant surprise when she caught a bucket of water that had been knocked over by one of the horses while she was still across the room.