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Illusia Bobich
12 Jul 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Illusia has wavy and light-colored hair and greenish hazel eyes. Her unruly hair goes to the middle of her upper arm and is generally swept over one shoulder to keep it out of her face. She has a thin appearance and long limbs that she doesn't quite seem to be in control of. Students may see her sitting cross-legged with her feet up in class or some other equally inappropriate place and time, or unintentionally waving her arms while she walks down a corridor.

Mental Description:
Extraverted and unassuming, Illusia is easy to get to know, but she has a bad case of mood irregularity. She is emotional and lives in the moment, and her inexperience in managing her emotions may get in the way of doing important tasks like homework when she gets too worked up over spilled cereal or losing her favorite pen. Otherwise she is academically ambitious for her young age.

Illusia has family in Eastern Europe, but she was born in London and has lived there her whole life. She's an only child, but never had a boring moment at home due to her vivid imagination and her many friends from school. Coming to Hogwarts and not knowing a thing about magic is not as much of a concern for her as not knowing whether she'll find nice people.

First Instance of Magic:
As everyone would inevitably know by the end of the first school year, Illusia is quite emotional.

The first day of July of 2022 was overall a very bad one for her. She'd argued with her friend the day before and the continued iciness between them at school was getting stressful for her. She'd been feeling too nervous the previous night to do her homework properly, so when a teacher made her stay after class to discuss the paper sheet full of drawings she'd returned, Illusia began to cry. Simultaneously the paper on the teacher's desk had begun soaking and becoming illegible, starting to resemble a wet tissue paper. The teacher freaked out and dismissed Illusia, who walked out of the room being very confused about how that had happened and why she hadn't been asked to return a new sheet of answers. After sitting in a bathroom for a while and calming her emotions, Illusia had repeated the event in her head over and over and became enchanted with the idea of having superpowers. No matter how enthusiastically she tried though, she couldn't produce anything similar to what she'd experienced, as she had no real guess what had even happened. She began to wonder if she'd been dreaming.

Illusia's attempt at explaining the event to her disbelieving parents came at a fortunate timing, as she was soon to turn 11, and a professor from Hogwarts arrived with an answer to their questions. The Ministry of Magic also had to deal with the teacher, but during her last days in a non-magic school seeing the teacher always reminded her of the unfamiliar but exciting life she was about to step into.