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Alena Fernsby
11 Oct 2010
Southall, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
I’m on the short side of average height, everyone says I’m small even though I’m average, I’ve looked it up! I have pale, freckled skin and it makes me look a bit corpse-like in the morning, and I have auburn hair. I get that from my mum’s side, I’m half Scottish. My eyes are kinda blue-green I suppose. I’m not sure how to describe them, but they’re one of my favorite features.

I can be fun, bubbly, and outgoing sometimes, but I am ambiverted and will happily spend hours alone, curled up with a book, dancing, singing, crafting, or exploring nature (I have too many siblings to be able to spend days alone, which I don’t think I’d mind). I think I feel more at home in the Wizarding world. I’ve spent most of my life here, so it makes sense. I feel comfortable in the muggle world though. I’ve lived there for my early life, and I visit my muggle family when I’m on holiday sometimes. I like to read and learn, and for the most part I follow the rules, but sometimes I can’t help it. Breaking the rules can be terribly exciting. I like to sneak out on the roof and stargaze, or read in the moonlight.

My dad, Emmett Fernsby, is an English muggleborn wizard and my mother, Iona, is a Scottish pure blood witch of the McCoire clan. I hav an older sister, Maia, who is thirteen and a third year hufflepuff at hogwarts, and two younger brothers, Jaron and Tobias, who are twins and age seven. I was born in the muggle world and lived there for the first three years of my life. I lived with my uncle, aunt, and cousin Olivia. They’re all muggles. Olivia’s the same age as me though. We moved back to the Wizarding world when I was three or four. We lived in Scotland with the rest of the McCoires for a bit. I have a lot of Scottish cousins. My favorite cousins are Moira and Ciaràn. Liam, my cousin Colin’s twin, died a week or so ago. Everyone’s taking it pretty hard. He was about to go into his second year at hogwarts too. Anyway, when I was nine or so, we moved back to England. My best friend, Sahara, moved to America last year and will be attending ilvermorny, which is an utter disappointment, as we’ve been looking forward to going to hogwarts together for absolute ages.

First show of magic
My first exhibit of underage magic (or so I’m told) was a bit dramatic and surprising for my poor muggle nanny. Mum and Dad were out for the evening, and the nanny went to check me while I was sleeping. I was only three at the time. The nanny walked into me levitating two and a half feet above my bed. The nanny screamed and called the my parents, who promptly called the ministry of magic, who had to obliviate my traumatized nanny.