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Peyton Judge
15 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,8 cm red oak wood and dragon heartstring
How I knew I had magic is that when I was doing geography homework, I started to get frustrated, then my globe started spinning out of control then it started floating in the air, then shattered on to the floor. My Mommy came in and she was furious. I was 9 when this happend
I am now 10 years old, almost 11, I consider my self very kind and I love to learn and work. My teachers and other adults think I am very bright! My parents are Muggles, my mom works for the Wales department as a Permit Specialist, and my dad is a boat salesman.
I have a hat that I like to wear, I have hazel eyes, and I have an over active imagination, which sometimes breaks out into magic.
My room reflects my favorite colors, EVERYTHING!!! I have two pets, a dog and a cat, they hate each other, and my mom and my dad don't live together anymore, they each took a pet. I have a sister named Adalynne, she has no personal space, and so far no magic. We share a room at my dads house, but at my moms, we don't so it's alone time o-clock. When my dad moved out, my mom moved to Wales, and I went to a new school and everything! But it's all good, I made new friends, like Kayla, Rylee, Lochlyn, and Lily!

Peyton Judge

P.S. I'm very bold to!