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Birch Rockett
10 Oct 2010
Limerick, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
25,4 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Brown hair, hazel eyes, light skin, small for their age. Sometimes will dye streaks of their hair purple.

Mental Description: Hyper, a little sarcastic, and always curious. Brutally honest and fiercely loyal. Birch also identifies as non-binary.

Biography: Birch Rockett is a half-blood wizard. Known to most as Rockett, they dream of one day being a beater for their house Quidditch team. Even though everyone tells them they are too small to be a beater and should try for seeker instead. Birch has two moms who are both witches, but her biological father was a muggle. Birch’s mom, Anna, got some sperm from a muggle sperm bank and decided to start a family with her wife, Sophie. Birch was raised in a small community of witches and wizards, so they don’t know much about the muggle world. Birch hopes to be in Gryffindor, just like their cousin, River. But Sophie was in Ravenclaw and Anna was in Hufflepuff, so Birch doesn’t know where they’ll end up. Besides a passion for Quidditch, they are also very interested in potion making and maybe one day inventing their own potions. All of Birch’s friends and family back home were older than them, and the one friend that is Birch’s age moved to France over the summer and is now going to Beauxbatons Academy. Birch has two pugs back at home with her mums, she knows she'll miss them terribly, but Anna told Birch she would get them an owl if they do well in the first half of the school year.

First Instance of Magic: “According to both my mums and my older cousin, River. I was around 3 when I was playing in a canoe on a lake with my cousin. I saw a fish right under the surface, I guess I wanted to touch it, so I reached for the fish and tumbled out of the canoe into the lake. Of course I didn’t know how to swim. My cousin thought I was going to drown, but apparently after a few seconds, I just “bounced” out of the water and back into the boat! River couldn’t believe it. And when she told my mums, they bought a cake to celebrate.” - Birch when asked about their first magical abilities.