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Rook Fairburne
01 Dec 2010
Bristol, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,8 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
An average boy of average height. He is slightly pudgy but fairly athletic. He has short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He tends to wear casual clothes like jeans and a t-shirt with a signature hoodie and denim jacket combo. He doesn't say much to people he doesn't know, but to his freinds he comes across as warm and funny. Although he would defend any of his friends from bullies, or on one particularly memorable occasion, teachers, he has no problems telling them off if they're the ones in the wrong.

Rook was born to muggles and lived a fairly normal uneventful life. He'd go to school, have piano lessons on the weekend, and play in the park or on the computer with his friends. On his 8th birthday, after having a ridiculous amount of sugar all day from all of the cake and sweets he'd been given, Rook was having so much fun with his friends that when one of them told a particularly funny joke he laughed so hard that he accidentally blew out his bedroom light. His parents simply chalked this up to a dodgy phone charger they'd bought for him a week before shorting the fuse until on his 11th bithday he received his letter from Hogwarts and they learned all about the existence of magic, witches, and wizards.