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Isadora Everridge
02 Jun 2011
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
26,7 cm acacia wood and dragon heartstring
Check my ency for more info!

Physical Description: A pale white girl of average height with straight dark hair that reaches her back and emerald green eyes. Almost never smiles, and stands rigidly still in perfect posture. Avoids eye contact. When out of uniform, often wears traditional (and very old-fashioned) wizarding garb. May come across as strange, unfriendly or creepy at first glance.

Mental Description: She is quiet, observant, and cautious. Deeper down, she is a caring and curious person who longs for connection, but she is also very self-critical and socially anxious, traits that stand in the way of her relationships. She also has many internalized biases about blood status, but is more ignorant about it than hateful.

Biography: She lives in her grandparents' manor in the borough of Havering, London. Her family are proud purebloods, rich from the success of their mortuary services. Having a morgue and a graveyard next door were a normality for Dora as she grew up.

Her home life wasn't the best. Her mother had relations with a Muggle man, and that's how Dora came to be born. Despite the shame of having a half-blood witch in a pure-blood family, Dora's grandparents agreed to take care of her as her mother had more interest in continuing to jet set around the world. Her grandmother especially held her to high expectations, which Dora often fell short of. Her true blood status is a secret to protect the family's reputation.

Her uncle and cousin also live in the manor with them. Her cousin, Bradley, is a year younger, and is a bit of a bully towards her. Her uncle Harris is the family member she most likes, as he's nicer to her than the others. She likes asking him questions about his work, but tries not to bother him too much.

She used to consider the family's house elf, Spug, a friend when she was younger. Her grandmother noticed and disapproved, sending Spug away and getting a new elf that Dora learned not to treat as anything other than a servant.

Dora most enjoys time to herself, reading her favorite books, taking a walk through the neighboring woods, and sometimes hanging out in the graveyard. There's a cat that lurks about there who she calls Epitaph, the closest she has to a pet. She knows her grandmother wouldn't approve, so Epi is her secret.

First Instance of Magic: Dora's first instance of magic was when she was 8, and she was at a birthday party her family was invited to. Her cousin was making fun of how she was dressed too old-fashioned, pointing it out to the other kids. Suddenly her cousin's drink sprayed up into his face and all over his nice clothes. She didn't know she'd done it at first, only realizing when she was scolded afterward.