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Arleth Nolan
04 Jan 2011
Greenwich, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Arleth is a young girl of about four feet, nine inches weighing in at fourty-one kilograms. She has thick - but tamed- red hair, green almond shaped eyes and fair skin that is dotted with freckles mostly concentrated on the bridge of her button nose. She has long lashes and naturally arched brows. Arleth has started puberty but is only in the beginning stages, but her face has begun to take shape and form one that would resemble a pre-teen and not one of a child.

Mental Description:
Arleth is smart, witty and quick on her feet. The young witch is eager to help others when she can. She is inquisitive and always ready to learn something new. However, Arleth's curiosity and desire to learn gets her into trouble from time to time. She takes after her mother with her firey personality and usually has a hard time holding her tongue if one crosses her bad side, but will stand and fight fiercly for those she loves.

Arleth was born on a frosty January night to Charlotte and Thomas Nolan at home. Arleth has had a fairly comfortable childhood with her father working at the Ministry of Magic's Improper Use of Magic Office and her mother working as a writer appealing to young witches and wizards. So it's easy to say she wanted for little to nothing. Arleth was provided all the books and toys that her heart could desire and her mother always ensured she had enough studying to do as well. Her parents are adamant on Arleth being prepared for school, and she did exceedling well in her primary classes learning arithmatic, reading and writing as a result. She has a particular love for reading and drawing. For Arleth, life has been good. She has a younger sister, Renata, that she loves drawing with and reading books to and a new baby sister, Willow who was born earlier this year.

First Instance of Magic:
Arleth had a colorful childhood with her mother writing childrens books and the funny stories her father would tell about his job at the Ministry. Often times her fathers stories would fuel her mothers imaginations and make it into her books. When Arleth was five years old her mother began reading her one of the new books that she had written. This one was particularly silly and her mother knew it would send Arleth into a fit of laughter. She read the book using funny voices and showed her the illustrations in the book as she read to her. Just as she thought, it would send Arleth into a fit of joyous laughter. So much so that the illustrations floated off the page and into the air swirling along as she laughed.