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Daniel Kulesza
Wizard born
05 Aug 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
My body is build very good for a 11 years old. I am the bigger one, and have glasses that I never wear. My hair is brown, and I have brown eyes.

I likes to be the best. If somebody asks a question, I mostly know the answer. I am smart, powerful and nice to other peoples.

I was born in a family of wizards, so I never learned how to interact with... Muggles. Actually, the way to Kings Cross was pretty weird. I saw one store where they were selling rubber ducks! For what could you use them..?

My probable first spell occurred when I was 4 years old. My walk from home to the store is about 200 meters. There is still a construction site on the way. One day when I was walking home from the store with my mother, we were looking at the construction site. We wondered what it will be like in the future. We wondered why the fuses around a big hole are so low. I mean, what are you trying to achieve with a thin band? And as he guessed, I fell into it. Great. I flew head down in there knowing my life is over. But in a weird way, I kept getting slower instead of faster. When I finally stopped I couldn't believe it. I hung exactly 10 cm from the ground. It was really weird. I slowly began to float up again, still amazed. When I was level with the hole again, I landed softly on the ground. Me and my mother just kept walking. That was really weird. I just fell from a height of about 20 meters and we just kept walking like nothing happened. When I got home, my mother spoke. She only said 2 words: You flew. That's how I found out.