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Rose Schwartz
01 Sep 2010
Oxford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,5 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: she has brown hair and brown eyes. She is thin and tall.

Mental Description: Rose is a brilliant student, a generous and very sensitive young girl. She is very studious and loves to read. She loves sports too.

Biography: Rose was born on February 18, 2010 in Oxford. Rose is a brilliant student, a generous and very sensitive young girl. She is very studious and loves to read. Born to a wizarding father and Muggle mother, she is particularly gifted in magic and interested in the magical world and the knowledge that surrounds it. Rose is of average height, and like having a mass of brown, curly hair. His eyes are brown in color. She tends to want to demonstrate the extent of her knowledge, which sometimes attracts the ridicule of some people. When she gets angry, her eyes become hard and blazing. She also has fair skin that turns as red as her hair when she blushes. She is very popular and she is surrounded by many friends. She is a girl with a strong character, independent, shy and withdrawn. Her discernment and her knowledge also allow her and her friends to overcome many obstacles.

First Instance of Magic: the first time she did magic was when she was 3 years old. One when she was very upset she jumped out the window and fell without having a single injury