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Miciela Romano
10 Jan 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,2 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Miciela is 4 feet 6 inches tall weighing about 86 pounbs. She is a slender girl with an olive complexion that gets covered with freckles in the summer. Miciela has dirty blonde hair with gray-blue eyes and dimples whenever she smiles. She also has a distinctive birthmark on her inner wrist that looks like a funny pineapple if you turn it in a certain way.

Mental Description: Miciela is a very bubbly and outgoing person. She loves to talk with anyone and everyone. Miciela is often happy-go-lucky and gets easily excited when trying something new or when people share things with her. Even though she is easily excitable, she does have a short temper. Miciela is just as impatient and stubborn as she is easily excitable. Being a curious person, she often tries to figure out how to do things independently and is one of the first to volunteer for tasks. She is a brave young lady who isn't afraid to take risks. However, she gets easily frustrated when she does not understand how something works or doesn't get something correct after a few tries.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, her family lived on a farm in England, raising all sorts of animals, including donkeys, horses, chickens, cows, sheep, and so forth. Growing up, Miciela had no issue making friends in school. In fact, Miciela was so outgoing that she often got in trouble in school for talking too much. One could say she took after her father, who is just as talkative and friendly as her. Her father, Aldo Romano, was a local healer who fell in love with a muggle he met at the train station when he first moved from Italy to England. Aldo spent much time in the Wizarding World following Quiddich players to heal them during their tournaments. Once he met his wife, Elaine, he decided to settle down on the farm where he would later explain to her what a wizard was. When Miciela first showed that she had magical abilities, they were both elated to see another witch in the family.

First Instance of Magic: One day, when Miciela was six, she was helping her family out at the farm by feeding the chickens. Unfortunately for Miciela, there was a pair of roosters in the flock that was prone to getting aggressive. As she was feeding the flock, these two roosters decided to attack her causing Miciela to panic. In her panic to get away, she made the roosters swell up fairly fast until an explosion of feathers occurred all over the farm. It was here that her father realized that Miciela is a witch.