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Jessicah Armstrong
06 Apr 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,5 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:

Pale, Caucasian, long dirty blonde hair, glasses, blue/green eyes, 4‘ 9”, birthmark in the shape of five dots in the same formation that they would appear on a dice located in between the thumb and pointer finger on her right hand.

Mental Description:

ADHD, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Autism.

(For whom it concerns: IRL I have all the mental illnesses mentioned above, and seeing as this is my first time role playing, I want to keep this character as close to myself as I can so that I can play her more easily. I do not mean to offend anyone, please forgive if I do so because I guarantee you it is unintentional.)


Transgirl, lesbian, singer, theatre kid, novelist, dancer, playwrite, funny, introverted extrovert, intelligent, mischevious, inventor, artist. Raised by the Armstrong Clan her whole life and has much experience with muggles seeing as many of her cousins are muggles. Her family is very involved in the clan, though their magic is kept a very close secret that only a few members know about. Her loyalty is to God, then to her clan. If the clan were to attack the ministry of magic, she would be right there with them fighting by their side. Her family is very supportive of her being a trans girl, and at a very young age helped her to transition from being Jeffery to Jessicah. However, some members of the clan didn’t support her in the slightest, leading to some of the mental illnesses mentioned above.

First Instance of Magic:

Her first instance of magic was when she was just a few months ago. Her father was actually afraid that he might have somehow given birth to a muggle. But then, her mother took her to a carnival and they rode the Ferris wheel. The wheel stopped for a very long time while they were at the top and Jessicah was so scared. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she was back on the ground and her mother was still at the top. You can imagine her parent’s excitement at the fact that she had magic.