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Ensar Çırak
Wizard born
06 Oct 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,0 cm spruce wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: He has a silk and dark brown hair. His eyes are even more darker. His skin is a bit pale and somewhat bronze. He has a rather big nose than the average.

Mental Description: Although he likes to go outside and spend time with friends, his inner thoughts usually catches him and drives him into silence.

Biography: His origin is coming from Turkey. His both parents were wizards and they had been working for the Turkish magic ministry. Until one day; when Ensar was only 5, his father's had been killed by a group of nationalist muggles in the countryside of central Turkey, because of his ethnic minority profile. After that point, Ensar's mother decided to leave the country and immigrate to another because of the safety of her only son. That's how Ensar and his mother were moved to the United Kingdom. Then after a few weeks of paper works, Wales had accepted them and they became Welsh citizens. Later on, his mother found a job at the British Ministry of Magic similiar to her old one back in Turkey. And eventually they started to live in London.

First Instance of Magic: His first instance with magic was when he was at the beach in Dover with his mother and transformed sandstones into little bugs led by boredom at the age of 9.