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Zoe Pearthel
02 Jul 2011
Manchester, England
Second year, Gryffindor
27,6 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Zoe had delicate features, red hair cascading down her shoulders and deep blue eyes. She wasn’t that stubborn about her clothing, though she did prefer the simple jeans and graphic tee. Occasionally, dresses and skirts were worn, but no matter what outfit she was wearing, the rose gold pendant clasped around her neck was non negotiable.

She also had a bad habit of being a people pleaser, and would often mirror the personality of the people around her, especially new people. But, once she warmed up to someone, she was bright and sarcastic, with a witty comeback to anything you had to say.

Zoe didn’t have a particularly easy childhood. She was abandoned at her aunt's doorstep, less than a few days old by her mother, a muggle who had no idea how to raise a witch. Zoe’s father was a pureblood Dragonologist, and after finding out his wife was bearing a child, left for the mountains to allegedly study dragons, and was not seen since.

Even with her unfortunate start, she led a happy childhood, living with her aunt and uncle who were happy to take her in and raise her with her two cousins.

The first time she showed magical ability was a cool autumn evening, as she and her cousins were waiting for hot cocoa before bed. Her aunt walked in holding a tray with steaming hot cups. As she was walking towards the children, her ankle twisted and the tray of beverages slipped out of her hands and toppled towards the floor. Zoe threw up her hands and all three cups stopped right before hitting the ground. In the chaos, Zoe ended up also making her aunt levitate in the air. After all the screaming, the day ended on a happy note, with hot cocoa all around.